New Permit

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Road Cut Permit - City of Belleville Application

Please read carefully:

A Road Cut Permit relates to any activity that involves the cutting, excavation, boring, filling, additions, or altering in any way, roadways, curbs, sidewalks, boulevards, ditches, trails, and other areas within the right-of-way.

The Road Cut Permit includes road occupancy within the work zone.

Drawings are to be in compliance with the Ontario Traffic Manual (OTM).

OTM Book 7

Additional Conditions and Comments

By submitting this form, I/We hereby make application to open up a section of the named street by excavating, for the purposes as set forth in this application, and I/We hereby agree to assume the cost of replacing the surfaces on the street allowance at rates set by the Director - Transportation & Operations Services, in accordance with City By-law 2001-129.

Applicant Details

These fields may be automatically populated from a logged-in user's account details


Contractor Details


Date / Time



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Road Cut Permit - City of Belleville Details

Check all that apply.

Do roads need to be closed, lanes reduced, detours, unavailability of on-street parking, etc., and when. You may upload traffic management plan below.

Indicate what sidewalks and paths need to be closed, capacity reduce, detours, etc. and when. You may upload a map for this purpose.

Certificate(s) to be uploaded below.

This field supports the addition of your internal reference for this application.

File Uploads

Minimum $5 million for public liability.

Refer to Ontario Traffic Manual, Book 7, Temporary Conditions for traffic plan instructions.